Conversion rate optimization, or CRO, is simple in theory. Using data, you place conversion points at the right spots on a webpage and watch clicks and conversion rates climb.

But in practice, CRO isn’t a magic bullet. It’s a science that involves evaluating all aspects of a website – web design, web development, SEO, content, and more – and determining if they’re all working together to accomplish the ultimate goal of converting users. 

There are so many questions surrounding CRO. Luckily, our CRO team has answers. Keep reading for answers to your CRO FAQs.

Don’t see the answer to your CRO question? Let’s Talk! Our team is ready to help.

What is conversion rate optimization?

CRO is the process of understanding user behavior on each page of your website and then, based on those findings, optimizing each page to increase conversions, leads, sales, or whatever it is that you’re hoping to accomplish from that particular webpage. 

As a quick, simple example, let’s say a CRO audit reveals that a call-to-action button sits beneath the average scroll depth of a webpage (how far people typically scroll down that page).

In this case, most visitors aren’t scrolling far enough down the page to see, let alone click, that button. This CRO insight reveals that by moving the button higher up on the page you may expect a higher conversion rate on that button.

How long does CRO take? 

The timeline for a CRO audit varies website by website. In general, the less traffic a website gets, the longer the CRO process can take. That’s because less web traffic means fewer data points, which means that gathering enough data to develop a thorough CRO audit will take longer. 

On average, conversion rate optimization tests can range from 3-12 months. To reach true statistical significance, tests require more traffic than one would generally expect. However, in instances when traffic is low, or we predict that reaching statistical significance will take longer than what our partners are comfortable with, WTM Digital uses what’s called “Minimal Detectable Effect” (MDE) to set a goal from the baseline. 

How do SEO and CRO work together? 

Think of SEO and CRO as two sides of the same coin. The job of SEO is to drive organic web traffic through search, getting the right visitors to your website. Once those visitors arrive, CRO takes over, making sure that those visitors find their way to the information they want and, ultimately, convert.

A website finely tuned for search can still lose the sale if those ideal customers land on your site but can’t find their way to a conversion point. This is why CRO should be a part of every SEO strategy.

What is the role of heat maps and other visualization tools in CRO?

Heat maps are one highly-effective tool that CRO teams use to create a visualization of how your web users interact with your website. They’ll show which areas of your site maintain the highest concentration of views, clicks, and other activity. 

Just as important, heat maps show which areas of your site visitors ignore. If a button isn’t seeing clicks or another conversion point isn’t converting, a heat map can show user activity around that point on your website. This data can then inform your decision to tweak that page’s design, move the button to a higher traffic area of the site, or make some other change to increase the likelihood of a conversion.

How is AI being utilized within CRO and website optimization?

AI isn’t replacing traditional CRO methods. Quite the contrary. AI tech is now giving marketers the power to analyze massive amounts of data and develop more customized solutions by enhancing traditional methods. And that means – you guessed it – even higher conversion rates. 

AI CRO is a game-changer because it leverages one of the fundamental powers of AI – its ability to predict future outcomes. 

With traditional CRO methods, we can understand the web user so well that the data tells us how to structure a web page for the highest chance of conversion. Now, with AI CRO, we’re layering on this predictive technology and optimizing a web page for the actions that AI data tells us our users are most likely to take in the future. 

AI is taking CRO to a whole new level. And, fast.

How does user experience (UX) influence conversion rates?

UX matters a lot when looking at conversion rates. Without intuitive navigation and easy-to-find information, users won’t stick around your site long enough to convert. When the user experience is positive, you’ll naturally see higher engagement followed by higher conversion rates. 

CRO audits dive deep into UX, with web design and development being a large focus of any site optimization. 

What are some best practices for A/B testing for CRO?

CRO recommendations should be data-driven and tested before they’re accepted and implemented. This means testing different variables to ensure your data is fine-tuned. To uncover reliable results, test only one variable at a time, test large sample sets, and run the test long enough to gather a sizeable amount of data. 

When you’re ready to convert more leads into customers, our CRO team is here to help.

Conversion rate optimization is a must-do for any business that relies on its website to convert leads into customers and drive sales. When you’re ready to take a hard look at your website and increase conversions, let’s talk.