In the world of online marketing, the established rules and facts that are useful one day can change the next. In an ever-shifting landscape, how do digital marketers, businesses, and everyone else hope to keep up? The answer is constant learning. To help with this...
How Ad Scheduling Can Help Your Google Ads Account
When it comes to advertising on search engines, timing can be everything in order to get ads in front of the right audience. The many facets of the demographics of your audience such as age, gender, and income can all have an effect on what times your ads perform the...
How PPC and SEO Can Work Together to Improve Spend and Visibility
When planning how to market online, companies have a few different options. Two major ones are search engine optimization (SEO) best practices and pay-per-click (PPC) advertising. When used in tandem they can be advantageous because they help with paid and organic...
How to Directly Support Your B2B Sales Team with Content Marketing
Despite what you may have learned from Alec Baldwin, sales teams are not always closing. Prospects can drop out of the sales funnel at any stage, especially in the B2B world. If your team begins to notice any regular sticking points during their sales cycle, it may be...
3 Questions to Ask Before Renewing Your Marketing Contract
It’s that time again. Your contract is up, and now you have to pitch to your boss whether or not it’s in the best interest of your company to continue your partnership with your current marketing agency. A few questions are most likely circling through your head at...
What Seth Godin Wants You to Know About Content Marketing
Last month, we were fortunate enough to be sponsors of Digital Summit Philadelphia 2019, and Seth Godin was on the docket to deliver the keynote presentation. Though this wasn’t our first time meeting up with the savant, his sessions are always unique thanks to his...
Rewriting the Laws of Marketing in the Age of Amazon
Seemingly, every day there is more news about Amazon’s rapid growth, especially with Prime Day just around the corner. The reality is that a brand that wasn’t even on our radar three decades ago is seemingly rewriting the rules of business. Don’t believe me? Consider...
Prepare Your Business for California’s Consumer Privacy Act
Last year, the EU implemented their sweeping update to their data privacy laws known as The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This bill had massive effects on the way websites across the world collect, store, and use consumer data. After the EU implemented...
7 Things You Should Always Include When Writing a Marketing RFP
The RFP (request for proposal) process is undoubtedly frustrating. Parties enter in with mismatched expectations. They end up talking on two different levels. And sometimes, companies walk away empty handed without a partner to help them tackle their project. As...
Aligning Sales and Marketing Goals to Attract Better Qualified Leads
In business, some amount of friction is inevitable. Sales is tasked with putting more work into the operations side of the business. Operations wants enough of said work to be efficient but not so much that quality suffers. It’s a balance, and like all things...